Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Bill to Watch

As the session smooths out and things are not quite as hectic, a few bills that deserve watching are moving through the legislature.  Here are a few to watch.

House Bill 23: Digital Learning Competencies/School Employees -

This bill would direct the State Board of Education to develop and implement digital teaching and learning standards for teachers and school administrators. 

House Bill 44: Transition to Digital Learning in Schools -

This legislation would transition funding from textbooks to digital learning initiatives in K-12 public schools.

Senate Bill 14: Increase Access to Career/Technical Ed. -

This bill was signed by Governor McCrory on Monday, February 18. This bill takes significant steps to strengthen North Carolina’s talent and workforce development by directing the state Board of Education to develop career and college endorsements for high school diplomas, increases access to career and technical education teachers in public schools, and increases community college enrollment in career and technical education in high need employment areas.  

Here are some other bills that may have an impact on your business

House Bill 69: Opportunity Advancement Zones -

This legislation provides important tax credits for job creation and business property investment.  Its a complicated formula and I'm not sure how Cleveland County will stack up.  More on this later.

Senate Bill 51: Workers’ Comp Program Integrity
This bill will help in fraud prevention and in reducing fraud in the worker's compensation system.  No doubt this is needed.  We'll watch it as it moves through the process.

Senate Bill 4: No N.C. Exchange/No Medicaid Expansion -

This legislation clarifies the state’s intent not to operate a state-run health benefit exchange and provides that future Medicaid eligibility determinations will be made by the state, along with rejecting the Affordable Care Act’s optional Medicaid expansion.This will put the state at the mercy of the Federal exchange.  It remains to be seen as to how that will look.  It always concerns me when we look to the federal government to service our need.  The impact of the Affordable Healthcare Act has not been fully comprehended but it does not look positive for business or for job creation.

House Bill 53: NC Right to Work/ Secret Ballot Amendments  - 
This bill strengthens the states commitment to "Right to Work" status.  It also insures the right of employees to exercise their right to a secret ballot in union elections. It also makes  union representation of government employees illegal.

Watch these bills and if you have an issue that is important to you let me know and I'll try to stay on top of it as well.