Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Rumblings at NLRB

The Natioanl Labor Relations Board is scheduled to meet today and vote on rule changes that would shorten the time for union elections.  The proposals are very determential to the business community and would create tremendous turmoil in the workplace.  However, there is a threat from the Republican representative on the board, Brian Hayes, to resign - a move that would effectively shut down the board and prevent the vote on union organizing. Without the presences of Mr. Hayes the board would not have a quorum and could not conduct business.  There appears to be a new proposal by board Chairman Mark Pearce that he described as a "more limited resolution." He said it would only apply to "the minority of elections which are held up by needless litigation" and other disputes.  It's a sticky situation at the NLRB.  There are still 2 open seats and looks like it will remain that way until after the elections.

Stay tuned and keep an eye on the actions of the NLRB.


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

NLRA Poster

The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) has postponed the implementation date for the new NLRA "Employee Rights Notice ".  The initial effective date of November 14 has now been pushed back to January 31, 2012 to allow for " enhanced education and outreach to employers".  There are also issues to be determined by the courts as to whether or not the Board has the authority to require the posting.  The notice details the rights of employees under the National Labor Relations Act including the right to organize, bargain collectively, to discuss wages and other terms and conditions of employment, picket and strike.

This is another ploy in the Obama's administration efforts to tip the scales in favor of union organizers.  There are other rule changes that are being considered that are more egregious than this one.  Stay alert and we will try to keep you informed as to what is happening.